Sunday, April 28, 2013

I was on TV!!!

Yeah....the local NBC station did a feature story on me- it aired on Thursday.....and here ya go!

260 Pounds Gone!

It was done by WBAL in Baltimore and it became so popular, it got onto AOL most popular! I saw it when it was at #12.... The only thing that is kinda hard to stomach is some of the nasty comments on there.  Luckily there aren't many, and most are nice and encouraging.  But ouch- some people are just mean!

So, please go check it out- let me know what you think!  I haven't mentioned it here yet because I was scared- I didn't want to jinx it!  I've been worked up before about things and potential media coverage and then nothing happens.  It was so disappointing when the People Magazine thing didn't pan out, and more recently with a work thing.  But this for real happened, wild!

What's the most amazing to me is how 3 hours of taping can be condensed into less than 3 minutes of  They interviewed my husband and I for an hour, then spent another hour taping teasers, cut outs, fill ins, etc.  The photographer also came to a weight watchers meeting! That was pretty cool, so check out the link and see! :)


  1. Colleen!!!! You are slap awesome...simply amazing! I am in awe!

  2. Congratulations Colleen! I had a nasty comment on the article on HuffPo. "Another article about a miserable middle-aged woman who finally figured hings out and lost weight" or something to that effect. If that's not for you, then don't read the damn thing, change the channel... why waste your time on something that you deem insignificant? Makes sense, no? It's all based on JEALOUSY! That is all. Relish the encouraging, supportive comments and bask in the glory!!

    1. Good advice, Linda! Sorry you got that nasty comment :(

  3. What an awesome interview! And ignore the nasty people - there were WAY more positive comments.

    1. thanks! Yeah, there were a lot of good ones on there, and I have so much support in my life :)

  4. You look amazing and I'm reading your blog as inspiration for my own journey. Don't let others worry you. They're probably just kids being mean to show off. Take the encouragement that outweighs the ugliness. You are beautiful.

  5. People love to criticize when they're safely behind a keyboard, but they only serve to reveal their own wretchedness. If anything, it only makes you look better. :-) Love you so much!
