Saturday, May 4, 2013

Race tomorrow....

Apparently tomorrow is a really popular race day- I know of several bloggers that are running half marathons tomorrow.  Good luck to Linda and Jen!

Well, tomorrow- after a week of work exhaustion in Portland- I will be joining them in racing.  However my race will be a 5k.  My initial thoughts are around it "just" being a 5k, but the reality is that every run, every race is important.  Tomorrow I will be lacing up my new shoes, pinning on my bib for the Delaware Ovarian Cancer Foundation 5k.  This is a race that has a lot of personal meaning for me because my mom is an ovarian cancer survivor.  We do it every year as a family.

I am overdue to give a recap of what's going on with me lately- particularly my dabble into heart rate monitor specific running training.....

But I wanted to throw out some goals for tomorrow:
Duh goal: Finish at 37:12 which would be a 12 min/mile
Hope Goal:  Finish under 35: 37 which was my last time on this race
Awesome Goal: Finish under 35 minutes

I know, you are probably thinking why am I not giving myself some harder goals? Well...lots of reasons, all centered around my continual transition from high support shoes to barefoot and maintaining proper form above all other priorities.

So, we'll see what happens's going to be fun, I'm sure!


  1. Can't wait to hear how it went!!! I'm sure it was GREAT! I'm too tired to write today, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be up to it.

    1. thanks, Linda- I can't wait to read about your race!
